This training is designed specifically for any event organizer with or without social media experience, and teaches you to best leverage new media to enhance the results of your event. You will learn the 5 Phases of event planning and promotions which will be the blueprint you will use to almost guarantee the success of your future events. Learn how to best leverage offline events and social media to increase sales, build community, strengthen your brand, among many other benefits.

Want to guarantee the success of your next event or what to know if your event will be success event before the event?  Learn the critical 5 phases to any event that will ensure that you will reach and possibly surpass your event goals.  No matter the size, location, or whether you have previous event experience, leveraging the 5 phases will help you have a successful event.

The 5 phases are:

  • Pre-Planning – Discuss the overall logistics of the event to determine the what, when, and who of the event.  During this phase the objective is to determine whether the event is a go or no go. Some additional research might be required after the meeting.
  • Planning – During this phase the event goal is established in addition we help find the appropriate location, partners, speakers, sponsors, etc. We also decide what the outcome of the event should be and determine milestones.  *
  • Pre-event – This is the promotional stage of the event. Some clients hire us just for the Pre-Planning and promotion while they handle the event logistics.
  • During event – This is not only the agenda of the event but also the documenting of the event.  We often get hired to simply social share the important aspects of the event via our Social Media Command Center.  We also have team members that will tweet, take photos (both traditional high quality photos and photos meant to be shared via social media in real time throughout the event), take videos, etc.
  • Post event – This is probably the most essential phase as we review the event analytics. We provide each client with ½ hour event analysis  to go over the event metrics)

Deals Over. Contact us if you are interested in offer.